Tuesday, May 7, 2013


After many years of intense study and many breakthroughs related to enlightenment; at this stage; it isn't anything like I imagined. It isn't fanatical stories of doing, mystical powers, and ability to control peoples minds. Those things I have studied, but ultimately, have found that it is more about; telling new stories of doing, awareness of the magic we already have weaved, and  the ability to let others be themselves. I have come to know that the things we desire in others is within ourselves already, and no amount of manipulation can give us what is already ourselves. By the pursuit of knowing oneself, we can untangle the knot of filters we chose to tie around us to protect us from the power of our infinite selves. Our parents many times sell us on their life and mistakes, and desires, and as we are pure as kids, we lose sight of it in pursuit of material gain. Their focus on the lack made us creatures perpetually lacking, yet having everything. I have found great bliss, but that has followed me releasing a "filter" or 'blockage' or 'knot', and gaining back a little bit more of my totality.
Thing is, that high is to be regulated, and as you gain more of your personal power, you can regulate it, and the high becomes a bit more like normal. It reminds of being a kid, because when you were young, you had very little knots restricting the flow. Enlightenment reconnects you with that power, and helps you to face everything with that same kind of energy. Much like on the playground, the less things bother you, and the less you need to change others = more play time; more energy and consciousness to devote toward task at hand.
With that said; main point is that we are all enlightened at one aspect of our being, and the eastern and even western teachings are metaphorical helpers to help us know that feeling more consistently. It is never anything external that brings us these things, or compromises them, unless we choose to allot them to, and knowing why we do many times takes digging back to childhood looking for agreements (definitions with emotional attachments) in order to understand why we are not that child any longer.
Everything I do is to make the mysterious simple in an attempt at making mental health more common and accessible. By combining many approaches with a practical theme, being me, I hope that it might help many. Thanks for your time.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

YIN YANG Dark is the NEW light

Much has been said about the Yin Yang, and today I was moved by a picture to add some "Dark" to the subject. lol
Seems like it is general opinion that black represents "Bad" or "Evil". I have found that it is actually reversed. Think about it, what is everything in? Darkness. Behind every lit up space, what is always behind it if you only look far enough? What is god supposedly? EVERYTHING. Just like one might say that music is good. But what does music come out of? Silence. Rest. Nothing. It is everything! All else dances on it. Even our atoms dance in space, and if there is no light, is in darkness, but it does exceptionally well. Space to the edges of all we can perceive, and if we shine a flashlight, it is no longer there.
Even self perpetuating ideas like Lucifer is known as the light bringer, and his metaphorical role was to oppose gods will, and all that is out of a sense of pride. He turned his back on faith, and the love that exists in not knowing, trust, and nothing.
It is not that Luci is "bad" as much as he represents what all of us struggle with at times, which is trust in the process, the path that we loose sight of as we crest a hill. We can have moments of doubt and destroy all we worked for in a matter of minutes if we give in to a surface detail that commands our attention, and we don't resolve it with ease. We might take it like, well, god/universe/fate doesn't want us to do that, when in all reality, it is meant to help us diversify in how we deal with adversity. One might blame it on Luci as a scapegoat just as they might blame anything as justification as to why they give up.
New light is shed they say.
Just like anything abstract, it means what you need or want it to mean.
Darkness appears to be the absence of light. If that is what you are seeking, like proof, like knowledge. But as most find, the more we learn, the less we know, and that could be said for just about anything.
Every fiber of your being begs for you to submit to the power that, at a conscious level, you only know what you need to know, that knowledge is one of the bigger attachments we can trap ourselves with. That the brilliance is in the power of unlimited creation, not the created. It is the diversity in creating that is that which we should expand more than a goal of that which we create.
Architect create for creating, not so much the glorious works that are created. In that is a balance. When we enjoy the process fully and to the depth that we enjoy the finished work is when we grow exponentially.
To sum, black is not bad, nor is light good. It is all good, and to embrace it as such is to shine a bit of the light into black emptiness of creation is us in creation, and a bit of the black you will find driving every white blinding light...

Friday, April 26, 2013

You only hear what you want to hear!

One thing that I have found is that sometimes we got to go backwards a bit in order to go frontwards. Like in the case with knots, you might be temped to just pull it as hard as you can, and you make it worse.
Same goes for intuition. Your gut may very well be telling you with all your might to pull harder when really you need to push away. Your gut may lead you down paths of great strife, if you are not seeing things with the bigger part of yourself in agreement.
Your emotions are just as much guides in that communications come from the bigger part of yourself to communicate where you are in relation to that which you are facing. Attraction shows you what you lack, being repelled from something shows you what you have too much of.
Your subconscious (bigger part) never forgets, your conscious brain is meant to process and retrieve data. You may have noticed the calmer you are the easier you can think, and retrieve information, or in the case of near death experience you seem to have an auto pilot thing that happens, and time slows down.
This is the idea of enlightenment, to work through your emotional disturbances to the point that you have more conscious capacity to deal with that which is on hand. Your emotions give you clues as to how you are balanced in relation to the external input. While we tend to want to modify the external to meet the conditions we hold normal to, the same expectation we hold ourselves to, enlightenment is being the change we want to see, meaning we must work to know ourselves and adjust ourselves to see and understand our external factors, so that we can gain back our consciousness, and rely upon the full capacity of our being.
Point of all this is that to go with your gut, but apply it in relation to your quest to know yourself. Don't trust it in that you are trying to read the external, like who to trust, or what to approve of, as what you can see is limited to your own awareness and state of being.
Ever heard that angry lover yell at you "YOU ONLY HEAR WHAT YOU WANT TO HEAR" that is all anyone ever does, they hear what they can interpret in relation to their capacity to hear or know.
Allot of self knowledge is going to be counter-intuitive. Embrace that which you would rather banish, and come alive!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

People love within their capacity to love

People love within their capacity to love. Some it is a focus toward one person, and without that person, they are lost. Aimlessly drifting, wandering dependency, hopelessly desperate to be withing physical proximity to the only one the assign a specific key of expectancy to. This also goes for the hopeless romantic, that is doing all that they can to conjure up someone to leech themselves to. They uplift and honor the very nature of the ideal partner to a degree that broadens as their needs become blurred, and as it is set up for failure, crumbles at the moment a person is faced with silence on the hopeful one in a million dream seems to turn on them. Some of the lovers love family, friends, and those that they deem worthy of love secondary, but none like the one that they deem above all.
It is rare that these people love themselves with such a feverish passion, and deliberate elegance that seems to define humanity. Too busy loving the world, missing that what they love is their ideal self image in these people. Beauty, passion, talent, drive, compassion, knowledge, wisdom, taste, because they deem themselves somehow less than that which they deem worthy of the spending of their goals, dreams, hopes on. It is the ultimate in self sacrifice, I love you more than i do myself. Which is at the heart of the Christian METAPHOR, Jesus dieing for you so you don't have to. Sacrifice your self image to align.
It is ALL about the feeling. The action brings before you have removed (crucified) the barriers of thought (self image/ego).
When you work to deconstruct the restrictions for that feeling to occur when facing yourself, even that which you wish wasn't you (shadow self), you can start to face people as they are, loving in their capacity to love, and you see them for the beings that they are, their essential nature. You evoke that out of them, or at least you see the barriers they have that stand between it, like fear, insecurity, anger. Underneath is still a human loving to their capacity, so don't sell them on what they already are, offer them a bit of perspective to help deconstruct the chosen barriers. This comes hand in hand with your present level of embodiment of the feeling. (sync) Until you feel that, and see that energy behind every single gesture and expression of thought, take heed to your words, as they are just as much for you as they are for them.
The goal is the eventual consistent feeling of that purity of love regardless of external stimuli.
Pretty soon, you understand that love was never yours to give, nor was anything less than love to begin with, depending on the perspective. It is more deliberate than one could imagine, knowing that it is choice, and that it is just thought, watch the layers of the onions peel back, and one can only help others to find this within themselves, rather than try to be the provider of themselves in which they seek.
Let others off the hook to provide the love you can only find within yourself. Anyone heart based is but a thought away. It is the feeling of completeness. It is alignment with your higher self. It is the essence of creativity. It is that feeling like you felt when you found the perfect mate. It is love at its finest, on tap, available all the time. Just tune!

Originally written 3-3-13 by Chris Topher Harper

Friday, July 30, 2010

Reformat my softdrive

Something just to get started, I looked to something I had posted about a year ago that really answered most of my questions two days.

Today at 7:20pm
You are here simply for the experience. You are really not here to learn anything because on a higher level you actually know all that you currently need to know. If you look at the greater picture, you are here to have an adventure - an emotional adventure. No matter how you judge it - good or bad - it's all energy. You are here to have an emotional adventure - to learn to embrace all emotion without judging any of it.

Emotions are ways of dealing with experiences in life, and ways of expressing oneself. E-motion could be described as Energy in Motion. It is the flow of life force that is being expressed by a person.

Emotions expressed in the present as a way of dealing with the present are not good or bad. They are simply a way of dealing with what is there.
Emotions sometimes get frozen and then replayed later, out of context. This often happens in traumatic situations. An overload of emotion gets stored up in the mind, and then it gets activated and repeated at a later time when some of the elements of the situation are a little similar.

A great deal of human trouble comes out of just that: the replaying of emotions in the wrong context. Often people will vehemently defend their right to express their replayed emotions, and will produce elaborate justifications for why the emotions are just and right.

One of the aims of Emotional Clearance is to turn the frozen energy in stored-up emotions into free energy that people can express themselves with in the present.

Electromagnetic.... field of attraction
When we embrace an emotional feeling it is received by the brain, which converts it into electrical energy that flows through our body by means of the autonomous nervous system. We can often 'feel the charge' in our body associated with the experience of emotions. When this occurs, an electromagnetic.... field is generated around our body which attracts to us another person who has an identical electromagnetic.... field around their body - and the same emotional feeling in their heart.

A person with anger in his heart will encounter many an angry person in his daily activities, giving the impression that he lives in an angry world populated by angry people. And so this illusion will perpetuate itself until higher awareness enables him to change his thoughts/....belief system, changing his emotional charge, which changes his field of attraction, and ultimately changes his perception of the world around him.

Believing that something or someone made us feel "bad" gives rise to the concept of victimization. To see yourself as a victim places the responsibility for our feelings onto someone or something other than yourself. The problem with this perception is that if we do not claim responsibility for having manifested and created our feelings, we are unable to change and create new, different feelings of an understanding and positive nature.

Each manifestation is an ascension opportunity. All manifestations teach something about oneself and mirrors one's own unconscious state of being. For aspirants upon the spiritual path, each manifestation provides clues as to what needs to be released or cleared in order to continue to ascend.

There is an inverse relationship between struggling with a problem and understanding the problem. To understand how the emotional system really works allows the resolution of problems without struggle. Our higher emotional states and our precision in monitoring our emotions will help us to experience life through emotions of a higher vibrational nature. A continuance of finer vibrational emotions will assist in realigning our neuron pathways with the additional strands of DNA thus setting our potential free.

Transform through feeling
Your mind can grasp intellectual ideas, but it is in the FEELING where the transformation takes place. Have patience with the process of transformation..... Do not compare yourself to anyone else. Everyone is shifting in different ways and at different rates of shift.

Perceived reality
Your ideas and beliefs about who you are, wrapped in the emotional charge of those ideas and beliefs, create your reality - your every day experience of life. Thoughts require a creative charge of emotion before they can affect your reality. So you may change your ideas of who you are, but until they are wrapped in the joyful emotion of truth, you cannot change your perceived reality.

Fear is not real. It is only a physical emotion that mirrors the various thought-forms surrounding your outer consciousness. Yet, it is used to shape your outer personality. The easiest way to transform it is to thank the ego self for its deep concerns and then, in a real dialogue filled with compassion and heartfelt love, to transform it into something real.

Wrong Identity
Emotional pleasure or pain are aspects of the mind only. Our essential nature is happiness, but we have forgotten the true self and imagine the body or the mind to be the self. It is this mistaken identity that gives rise to all misery.

Logical confusion
Logic is an extremely attractive attribute when one is trying to solve a problem, but logic should have nothing to do with personal expression. Therefore, when it comes to dealing with other human beings, logic has to be replaced by feelings. Emotions are what make us human, so we must learn to feel rather than think our way out of the third dimension.

This means for many, a complete turn around in behaviour. It will soon become obvious that using logical thought processing to analyse information coming from beyond the veil (outside of the third dimension), only confuses the mind. If we want to think clearly and be in tune with the cosmos, then we will have to learn to feel. Feelings are heart driven, and it's in the heart centre where we will locate our compassion. Feelings of love are not held in the brain. We may think with our brain about how we feel, but the feeling itself is held within our heart.

Therefore many of us are now going to have to learn to express ourselves in a completely different way, learning to open up to love and think with our heart - not our head. It is time to let go of the idea that logic holds the key to life and realize that without the ability to express our feelings, we are denying our humanness.

Clearing emotions
The process of clearing your own emotional restrictions allows you to fully carry light to the planet for the good of all. This is the light that is illuminating the planet and therefore altering the universe for the better. You are only just beginning to see glimpses of who you really are and what that means.

Mastering the Emotions

Our understanding of the emotional system is still in the Dark Ages. Society believes that our emotional feelings are a result of our experiences in our environment. The belief is, “Something happened to make me feel the way I do”. This belief is the exact reverse of how things really work.

Remember the science experiment where you connected the two ends of a wire to the terminals of a dry cell battery? When an electrical charge flowed through the wire a magnetic field was created around the wire. This was demonstrated when we sprinkled iron filings around the wire. A pattern was formed outlining the electromagnetic.... field surrounding the wire. A charge was set up and attracted the filings to the field.

The nature of any object with a magnetic field around it is to attract to it over a distance of space another object with a similar magnetic field around it. The emotional feeling comes first, and sets up a charge which then results in a corresponding event subsequently drawn into our environment!

Society has the understanding of this relationship backwards. We believe that events happen because we are powerless beings. If the event is perceived as "bad", we will be struck down with a barrage of negative emotions. The event is then blamed for causing the effects - negative feelings such as anger, resentment or depression.

These ongoing dilemmas (of our own creation), have us believing life is one never-ending struggle to survive. Although we may externally struggle with different circumstances and situations, the emotional feelings associated with them are always the same - frustration, resentment, anger, depression, etc., etc. It's like falling into quicksand, and the only way we know to extricate ourselves is to struggle. What we find is that the more we struggle to get out, the deeper we sink.

Focussing on what we don't want, creates more of the same
Doing things we simply no longer wish to do, constitutes compulsive behaviour. The characteristic of compulsive behaviour is that it is reactive in nature. In other words, we do it before we are consciously aware that we've done it. Since we do not like doing it, we get down on ourselves for having done it again. This only serves to feed and increase the intensity of that which we do not like - and so it becomes a stronger force within us, compelling us even more to do it again - and again. Then we get down on ourselves even more - feeding more energy into it so that it comes back even stronger the next time. The more we struggle to get out, the deeper we sink.

There is an inverse relationship between struggling with a problem and understanding the problem. To understand how the emotional system really works allows the resolution of problems without struggle.

To be in this world today is akin to suffering from amnesia, as we have forgotten who we truly are and how we came to be here. Once we again know who we are and understand the process we utilised to get stuck here, we can then reverse the process. This understanding is the key to unlocking the emotional doorway to enter the life of happiness that we deserve to experience.

Accept the body's illness with gratitude
Once you have made the step of showing gratitude towards your body for the fine job it is doing in guiding you back towards love, your body will begin to release the blocked emotions, or stagnant ideas and beliefs that you have held onto - the beliefs that have acted as the catalyst for illness. As these emotions and beliefs are released, you can begin to experience them in a new way, thus gaining a deeper understanding of the fears controlling your life. With this knowledge and experience, you can begin to understand that fear and love are choices that you can make.

Releasing emotional blocks
Most of us have learnt to suppress, ignore or misinterpret our emotions. So, like children, our emotions find more compelling ways of getting our attention - frequently through the creation of stress, or in severe cases through psychological or physical disease.

When you find yourself face to face with powerful emotions, such as anger, jealousy or fear, it takes courage to willingly experience them fully. However, these emotions need acknowledgment..... They need to be felt and acknowledged; for in order to go beyond them we must go through them.

A place of "No-Mind"
By fully experiencing and going beyond an emotional block - through the layers of doubt and fear - you experience the emotion of who you truly are . . . you experience your essential nature . . . your boundless eternal Self.

This as a place of ‘no-mind’. To experience the essence of your true self is a wonderfully healing experience. Various techniques can be used to deepen the healing effect and strengthen the transformation,.... ensuring lasting change.
Emotional Clearing requires people to find the courage to embrace their emotional blocks; dissolving them before they impact on the body and adversely affect physical well-being.

To unconditionally.... forgive someone is difficult to learn when emotions have not been let go. Allow your emotions to come, do not suppress them - then let them go away as soon as they come.

When you have learned how to handle your emotions, you can begin to forgive unconditionally.... by sending light and love to the person you are trying to forgive, and picture yourself talking to that person and telling him that you can and do forgive him. You may have to do this a number of times, until your forgiving is from your heart, unrestricted and without accusation and conditions. It is important that you go through this process of forgiving, because as long as you cannot forgive, you keep yourself tied with this person through karma, and these ties can slow you down dramatically, so much so that your life can be influenced on many levels and come to a stand-still until you let this other person go by forgiving him.

Your Feelings are your friends
Let your feelings guide you, for they are your friends. Any negative emotion about any subject whatsoever, indicates that you have a negative belief about it somewhere. Through listening to your feelings, you can bring into consciousness the belief connected to the feeling. Feelings and your intuition are your built-in guidance system. Trust what you FEEL. Your feelings are a better indicator of truth than your minds, which can be led off in many directions, pursuing this theory or that, but which are disconnected from the direct EXPERIENCE of truth. Feelings are the directional impulses of your soul. Your soul always wants you to go into the direction of greater joy. There are only two true emotions that you can experience and feel - the emotion of love and the emotion of fear. All other emotions are satellite emotions gravitating towards love or fear. Love is expansive, it encourages you to be all that you can be, it empowers you, and it removes limitation. Love is not jealous, angry, or afraid. Love does not question. Love is accepting.

Fear, on the other hand, is limiting. It drains you of life force energy. Fear prevents you from moving forward. Fear is limiting, blind and short sighted. Fear is death itself.

An exercise
The physical unit that is your body, responds to the energies that love and fear bring with them. The emotions of love and fear have a direct influence on your nervous and muscular system. Hold any negative thought or belief in your consciousness for a few seconds, and notice what happens to your body. Do you tense up, or do you feel expanded and more aware? What happens to your breathing? Do you breath in a deep and relaxed fashion, or are your breaths short and a little hurried? These are simple exercises in bringing into consciousness those ideas and beliefs that are serving your growth, and those you would do better to transmute and release.

When you combine the focus of your intellectual mind with the impulses that are given to you by your feelings, you cannot help but expand who you are. Feelings are the directions of your soul, and you can use your intellectual mind as a tool to focus your thought on your direction. If all your focussed thoughts followed your inner feelings, your life would be abundant and joyful beyond all imagining.

Using Desire
It is not enough to simply think about having something that you want to bring into your life - you need to have a strong emotional desire for it. Desire is feeling. If you find yourself changing your mind about what it is that you are wanting, you are not truly listening to your feelings.

For you to successfully create the things you want in your life, you have to desire them. Desiring them is not the same as needing them. Need is based on the feeling of lack, and when you concentrate on lack, you repel the very thing you are seeking. Whatever you focus on will expand and grow, be it abundance or lack.

The Law of Attraction will bring you whatever you concentrate upon. So if you concentrate on what you don't want, you will get more of the same. The Universe cannot operate in any other way.

Challenging the emotion
Become aware of your fears, anger, and jealousy. Beneath every fear is pain. It is easier to become angry with someone else, or yourself, or the world, than to feel this pain. Simply recognizing when you are angry is only half the story. You must go to the root of the emotion, which is a part of yourself that you do not know about, or a part of which you are too frightened or ashamed to acknowledge.

Learn to become aware of how your body feels when certain fears arise, and what thoughts fill your mind. You will then be able to see it as an old acquaintance with whom you have a disagreement. The disagreement being that you do not want to feel the way you are feeling, so you push it away. This is where challenging your emotion comes in.

Challenging an emotion – which is really challenging the part of yourself where the emotion originates, is not a declaration of war. It is a clear statement of your intention. For example, you may affirm, “I challenge this emotion. I no longer want it in my energy system,” . Challenging an emotion is the decision to utilise your free will to change an aspect of yourself you no longer want in your life. No matter how you do it, challenging the part of yourself that you want to change is at the heart of spiritual growth. You cannot be a spiritually evolved person and an emotionally unevolved person at the same time.

The first time you challenge your anger, fear, or jealously, it will not disappear. You must challenge it again and again and again. Eventually, it will loose its power over you, and you will regain your power. You must challenge the parts of yourself that you want to change using your free will.

Growing older does not automatically mean growing kinder or wiser. Millions of people die angry, frightened, envious etc, etc. Unless you heal the parts of yourself that are causing you pain, they will not change. This is because no one can change them but YOU!

Learn to experience feeling
Feeling occurs as initiates retrieve their emotional and intuitive bodies in full. Feeling is important to the act of ascension. Soul collects records and experience in ascension not through language, but through the act of feeling. Emotions are the main language that soul understands. Furthermore, no emotions equals no communication with All That Is. And one wonders sometimes why one's prayers may seem unanswered! It is because without an emotional or intuitive body, one lacks the very components necessary to communicate with soul or All That Is. How can one appreciate nature, a beautiful sunset, a beach, a redwood forest, a snow-capped mountain, if they do not feel? And what happens when one doesn't feel? They become bored and seek out entertainment through consumerism to fill the void. And so in learning to feel, one shall cease to depend upon entertainment or consumerism to feel alive, and shall experience authentic love. Authentic love comes not from entertainment or consumerism, but from soul dancing with soul. And soul can only be felt dancing with the form through the emotions. And as one learns to feel, one may feel the pain at first, but sooner or later one will also feel the love and soul and begin to be loved from the inside out. In becoming loved from within, one will cease to need to purchase anything to feel loved, and shall move off the treadmill of consumerism.

The whole earth reality is a like an educational play in which you are the producers as well as the actors. The conscious self dwells within this reality while other aspects of your identity dwell simultaneously within other training systems. The emotional lessons we undergo here must be learned well because in the more advanced systems into which we will evolve, thoughts and emotions are automatically and immediately translated into action and matter. It is here on earth where we must be taught and trained to create responsibly. If the sorrows and agonies within this system were not felt as absolutely real, the lessons would not be learned. Many of the current teachers within this system are undergoing their final incarnation, while other personalities who have left the system have volunteered to help and guide those still operating within it.

The easiest way to advance spiritually is to be open-minded, to seek and think for yourself, and be prepared to learn from and serve others. Your spirit has deemed this body and this lifetime as appropriate for the completion of these tasks.