Tuesday, March 5, 2013

People love within their capacity to love

People love within their capacity to love. Some it is a focus toward one person, and without that person, they are lost. Aimlessly drifting, wandering dependency, hopelessly desperate to be withing physical proximity to the only one the assign a specific key of expectancy to. This also goes for the hopeless romantic, that is doing all that they can to conjure up someone to leech themselves to. They uplift and honor the very nature of the ideal partner to a degree that broadens as their needs become blurred, and as it is set up for failure, crumbles at the moment a person is faced with silence on the hopeful one in a million dream seems to turn on them. Some of the lovers love family, friends, and those that they deem worthy of love secondary, but none like the one that they deem above all.
It is rare that these people love themselves with such a feverish passion, and deliberate elegance that seems to define humanity. Too busy loving the world, missing that what they love is their ideal self image in these people. Beauty, passion, talent, drive, compassion, knowledge, wisdom, taste, because they deem themselves somehow less than that which they deem worthy of the spending of their goals, dreams, hopes on. It is the ultimate in self sacrifice, I love you more than i do myself. Which is at the heart of the Christian METAPHOR, Jesus dieing for you so you don't have to. Sacrifice your self image to align.
It is ALL about the feeling. The action brings before you have removed (crucified) the barriers of thought (self image/ego).
When you work to deconstruct the restrictions for that feeling to occur when facing yourself, even that which you wish wasn't you (shadow self), you can start to face people as they are, loving in their capacity to love, and you see them for the beings that they are, their essential nature. You evoke that out of them, or at least you see the barriers they have that stand between it, like fear, insecurity, anger. Underneath is still a human loving to their capacity, so don't sell them on what they already are, offer them a bit of perspective to help deconstruct the chosen barriers. This comes hand in hand with your present level of embodiment of the feeling. (sync) Until you feel that, and see that energy behind every single gesture and expression of thought, take heed to your words, as they are just as much for you as they are for them.
The goal is the eventual consistent feeling of that purity of love regardless of external stimuli.
Pretty soon, you understand that love was never yours to give, nor was anything less than love to begin with, depending on the perspective. It is more deliberate than one could imagine, knowing that it is choice, and that it is just thought, watch the layers of the onions peel back, and one can only help others to find this within themselves, rather than try to be the provider of themselves in which they seek.
Let others off the hook to provide the love you can only find within yourself. Anyone heart based is but a thought away. It is the feeling of completeness. It is alignment with your higher self. It is the essence of creativity. It is that feeling like you felt when you found the perfect mate. It is love at its finest, on tap, available all the time. Just tune!

Originally written 3-3-13 by Chris Topher Harper

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